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After you’ve been in an automobile accident, you might be tempted to move on with your life as quickly as possible. The accident itself was stressful and disruptive enough on its own and you feel like you’ve luckily escaped with only a few bumps or sore muscles.  But what happens if in the days following the accident you begin to experience back pain?  How do you deal with the pain and how do you make sure you’re compensated for your pain by the other driver’s insurance company?

Many Symptoms Do Not Present Themselves Quickly After a Car Accident

A car accident is a stressful event that no one wants to experience. Afterwards, you might feel lucky because you don’t immediately notice any sort of pain or injury.  However, it’s not uncommon for an injury or pain to reveal itself until much later.  This could be for a large number of reasons, but often it’s because the pain was masked by the adrenaline your body released immediately after the accident.

If you begin feeling pain in the hours, days or weeks following a car accident you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Any pain, including delayed pain, can be caused by a serious medical injury that requires timely treatment.  It is important to have your injuries diagnosed as soon after the accident as possible. Importantly, once you’ve visited with your doctor, if he or she determines that your pain is related to the accident, contact a legal professional right away to determine the best steps you can take.

What Kind of Pain are you Experiencing?

Following your car accident, you may hear your doctor or friends mention the words pain and suffering. Your friends or family members may even encourage you to pursue legal action to get an award for your pain and suffering.  This is because after an accident, many insurance companies will readily compensate you for any damage your car suffered that needed repair, but they will be far more hesitant to compensate you for your pain and suffering unless you have a legal professional that can argue on your behalf and who knows the proof that is needed to back up your claims.

Types of Delayed Pain and Suffering you may Experience Following the Crash

Many types of pain can be delayed for days or weeks following an accident. These are the types of pain you may experience, so you can be on the lookout for them.

  • Personality changes, speech or memory changes, or emotional issues: changes in personality could signal a head injury that was unnoticed at the time of the accident. It isn’t uncommon to experience some anxiety following an accident. However, anxiety or depression that are lingering should be treated. These could be signs of an untreated physical injury in addition to an emotional issue. These types of cognitive injuries frequently arise after collisions and frequently go undiagnosed and untreated.
  • Headaches: some people get a headache following the adrenaline rush of an accident that is relatively mild and doesn’t last long. However, if the headache is intense it could be the sign of something more serious. The exact location of the pain and the severity of it should be reported to a medical professional to rule out more serious injury.
  • Neck or Shoulder Pain: people typically think of whiplash when you say your neck hurts following an accident. Pain in this area could also indicate a spinal cord injury or a herniated disc, and could wait a few days to emerge.
  • Back Pain: it isn’t unusual to feel some achiness in your back after an accident—especially one in which you were rear-ended—but pain that goes beyond achiness could indicate a more serious issue. Especially if that pain is intense or long-lasting.
  • Tingling or numb arms or legs: experiencing tingling or numbness in your arms and legs could indicate a pinched nerve or a herniated disc. You can feel the tingling or numbness throughout your body, but it’s most common in the arms or legs.
  • Stomach Pain: tenderness or pain in your abdomen could be a serious issue following a car accident. It could take several days to notice this kind of pain and could indicate a serious internal injury. As soon as you notice it, you should see a doctor.

You need to be active in monitoring your pain following a car accident. Delayed pain can indicate a serious condition that has been overlooked. If you experience delayed pain, contact your primary care physician for evaluation.

When consulting your doctor, it’s important to indicate the location and severity of your pain. Any symptoms you notice are important and knowing which kinds of pain can be delayed following an accident will be helpful for your personal evaluation of symptoms. Some of these delayed symptoms indicate a serious medical issue.

At times, delayed symptoms can indicate the potential for a pain and suffering settlement. These settlements help to mitigate the loss of work or pleasure you have experienced due to the injury.

Kramer Law Offices: Fighting For Our Clients And Their Families

Hiring an attorney to negotiate your car accident claim and to compensate you for your pain and suffering costs you nothing.  Our team has built a reputation for compassionate and fierce advocacy on behalf of our clients.  If you or someone you know has been the victim of someone else’s poor driving, including both drivers and passengers of a vehicle, you can reach Kramer Law by calling a 802-257-2221 or using our quick and easy contact form.  We are also conveniently located in downtown Brattleboro at 42 Park Place if you would prefer to stop by.

As our client, we will take care of all of the legal, privacy and insurance related issues surrounding your case so that you are able to recover and work towards a brighter and better future.



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